Sep 1 Thu
- EARLY RELEASE FOR 1ST-3RD (First through third grade will be on an early release schedule. (8:30-1:45))
Sep 2 Fri
- EARLY RELEASE FOR 1ST-3RD (First through third grade will be on an early release schedule. (8:30-1:45))
Sep 6 Tue
- EARLY / LATE BIRD SCHEDULE BEGINS (The early / late bird schedule for 1st - 3rd will begin on Tuesday, September 6th. Early (8:30-1:55) and Late (9:40-3:05))
Sep 7 Wed
- MARIN MORNING 8:30 AM – 8:45 AM (Big yard)
Sep 15 Thu
- Back To School NIght (1st-5th) 7 PM – 8 PM
Sep 27 Tue
- PTA MEETING 6:30 PM – 8 PM (Come to the first PTA Meeting of the year on Tuesday, September 27, 6:30-8:00 pm in the Multipurpose Room, to get informed on several timely topics. Chef Clell, AUSD's Executive Chef and Food Service Director, will describe his healthy approach to school meals, explain about "California Thursdays" and describe his new mobile app. Clell's bringing a Garden Bar for parents to sample and the PTA will provide pizza. School lunches have definitely changed since you were a student! Everyone is invited! If you are not a PTA member, don't worry! You can join at the meeting or just visit. Free childcare with pizza available (4 yrs & up) on a first come, first serve basis. Please sign up in advance for childcare in the office. We hope to see you there! )
Sep 30 Fri
- INTERNATIONAL POTLUCK 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM (In the evening, please join us at Marin School in the big yard. Last names starting with A-S bring an entree and T-Z bring a dessert. You are encouraged to bring your own reusable utensils and plates, to keep things green. )