General Safety Reminder from Superintendent Wells

Dear AUSD Community, 


The safety and well-being of our students is a priority at Albany Unified School District. Our goal is for all students to achieve high academic standards within a safe learning environment. Now that we are in the third week of our school year, we ask that you find time to talk to your students, in an age appropriate manner, about general safety while traveling to/from school and “stranger danger.” Here are some basic guidelines and tips.

“Stranger Danger”
Strangers should be treated with caution. You may see “strangers” while going to and from places, at the park, in your neighborhood or at any public place you might go. Remember your safety is a priority and there are rules you should follow when you are around strangers.

  • Be aware of who is around you and what they are doing. 
  • Adults who need help shouldn’t be asking kids, so let them find another adult. This includes adults with pets. 
  • Always have someone with you, and don’t go places alone.

The following are important safety tips to follow if approached by a stranger:

  • Don’t talk to strangers and never give your name or address.
  • Don’t take anything, like candy or a toy from a stranger. 
  • No matter what they say, don’t go anywhere with someone you don’t know. 
  • Stay more than an arm’s reach from strangers. 
  • If you are approached by a stranger, seek help immediately. 
  • Trust your instincts, if you feel uncomfortable, are being followed or something is not right, seek help immediately. 
  • Review contact telephone numbers and home safety practices. 
  • If you are grabbed by a stranger: Yell, Run and Tell! (Scream, kick and get attention)
  • When seeking help, always go to a trusted adult – a parent, police officer, teacher, coach, or older siblings.


Please remind students that if they are approached by a stranger to let you, their teacher, or principal know immediately.


Here are some additional resources for parents and students:

  1. Tips for Parents: Personal Safety for Children & California Child Abduction Task Force
  2. Tips for Students: Kidpower Safety Tips

Please also remind students to report any suspicious activity immediately to the school and Albany Police at (510) 525-7300.


Thank you,

Frank Wells, Superintendent